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7 steps to write a library of posts in a day—with a writer’s retreat staycation

By June 11, 2018June 15th, 20184 Comments

I recently booked a writer’s retreat staycation in Portland with Hotels By Day, the innovative company that allows travelers to reserve hotel rooms just during the daytime. Hotels By Day comped my room at The Jupiter Hotel in Portland so a blogger friend and I could buckle down, cut out distraction and have the most productive writing day we could. As always, all opinions are entirely my own, and I only recommend products and services I truly love. This post contains affiliate links.

A writer’s retreat staycation to level up your blog

Being a travel blogger as a side hustle isn’t always easy. I love nothing more than exploring a family-friendly destination with my kids (or a kid-free getaway!), but then I have to actually find the time to write about my adventures. I love writing blog posts, too, but while juggling my full-time job and motherhood, my to-write list is always long—and daunting. That’s why I recently reserved an entire day for a writer’s retreat staycation—and here’s why you should, too.

7 tips to plan a local writer's retreat staycation—and how it can up your blogging productivity like woah. To & Fro Fam

Setting aside a whole day to do nothing but work on my blog made me more productive. It helped me bank a reserve of travel blog posts to draw from during busy weeks. It allowed me to focus on creating great content my fans love to read. And it cut out distractions—even the cutest distractions in the world, aka my kids.

What allowed me to spend a whole day focused on travel writing instead of laundry and fixing snacks and pretending not to see the stack of unopened mail on the counter? Building the writer’s retreat staycation around a brilliant concept I just learned about: Hotels By Day. The startup, which you may remember from its appearance on Shark Tank, partners with hotels around the world to open up rooms during the day. So if you have a day-long layover en route to a far-flung destination, or you want a place to clean up for a wedding and use the pool after a day of hiking, you can reserve a room with Hotels By Day. Or, of course, you can do a “daycation” writer’s retreat like my blogging bestie Jenni from A Well Crafted Party and I did.

How to plan a blogging writer's retreat to batch your writing and become more productive / To & Fro Fam

7 steps to write a library of blog posts in one day

Pretty sure it’s safe to say all of us bloggers want to create better content more quickly—right? Batching blog post writing—in the right environment and with the right productivity hacks—helps you write more (and more engaging!) posts. Here’s how to plan the ultimate blogging writer’s retreat staycation.

1. Post up in a place without distractions

Jenni and I got into our room at Portland’s The Jupiter and it was clean, uncluttered and definitely free of My Little Ponies all over the floor. In other words, it was the serene opposite of my house.

Booking a daycation with Hotels By Day for our local writer’s retreat gave me the space to concentrate on writing great blog posts. Because my attention wasn’t being constantly pulled this way and that, I was able to get more done in these hours than I could ever dream of at home.

2. Pack your writer’s essentials

When we went on our writer’s retreat staycation, I packed the notebook I use for brainstorming posts, my bullet journal with my hashtag lists, post-it notes—and a pack of La Croix. You see, we all have quirky routines that put us in the writing mindset, and mine just happens to be sparkling pamplemousse. #dontjudge

These 7 tips for a writer's retreat staycation will launch your blogging productivity. To & Fro Fam

3. Articulate your writing goals

To have a successful writer’s retreat staycation, you first need to figure out what you aim to accomplish—and be specific. For me, I wanted to write a bank of travel blog posts that I could have ready to publish during the busy weeks when I don’t have the time to write a post from scratch. You may want to spend your time researching long-tail keywords and brainstorming post ideas, or rebranding your web site, or go my route and just write. But regardless of what you do, pick—and stick with—one theme, at least for a chunk of time.

This productivity hack is called batching, and research shows it’s much more effective than our usual way of working. When we multitask—e.g. begin to write a blog post but then remember that you need to create a pin for it so you go through your images and then remember another point you want to add to your post—your productivity dips 40%.

So be clear about your goal for your writer’s retreat staycation. You can write it on a post-it note to steer you back to your task when you’re tempted to peek at reddit, or you can share it with your writing partner like I did with Jenni. Just make sure you know what you’re doing—and what you’re not doing.

4. Fuel your creativity

If you’ve rented a room for the day, you may be tempted to hole up and not leave—but don’t forget to eat! Jenni and I ate breakfast at Moberi and lunch at Prasad East, where we indulged in 100% healthy and delicious food that wouldn’t make us feel sluggish afterward. Make sure to take food breaks! A hungry brain is not creative.

Smoothie destinations in Portland: Moberi / To & Fro Fam

5. Channel encouragement and inspiration

Sometimes it’s hard to get in the blog writing zone—whatever you type doesn’t seem right. In these moments, I like to draw inspiration from other writers.

That’s why I made a set of cards with quotes on writing. (I even made them pretty, because glitter washi tape makes everything better!) When I’m feeling stuck, I pull out a card at random and use the advice from the quote on writing to push me out of my rut.

Quotes on writing for blogging inspiration and creativity—to get over writer's block. To & Fro Fam

And hey, you can too! Download my free quotes on writing printable for a little inspiration. And if you’re like me and want to go just a tad bit extra, gussy them up with washi tape. #teamglitter

6. Get a change of scenery

Just because we booked a Hotels By Day room didn’t mean we had to stay behind that closed door (although have you seen the doors at The Jupiter? They’re chalkboards! Yes, we took advantage).

So no matter where you’re doing your writer’s retreat staycation, move every so often. Getting out of your chair wakes you up and increases blood flow (and therefore nutrient-rich, creativity-boosting blood to your brain). A change of scenery may help spark new ideas, too.

How to plan a writer's retreat staycation for bloggers / To & Fro Fam

At The Jupiter, we hung out for a bit in the hotel lobby, which was filled with the attention-grabbing photo composites of Portland icons created by Beth Kerschen. Oh, and the lobby had coffee and tea, too. #caffeine!

Plan your next writer’s retreat staycation

Jenni and I vowed to do another writer’s retreat staycation—or daycation, or destination—soon. I was blown away by how much more productive I was writing blog posts when I wasn’t doing anything else. (I know, shocking!)

We don’t have another writer’s retreat on the books yet (because life), but this one won’t be our last. Whether we book our writer’s retreat spot again through Hotels By Day, or rent a house together on the beach, or simply take over a local cafe, we’ll be rocking the writer’s retreat staycation before long. If you want your choice made easy, though, book through Hotels By Day because a day-long hotel stay is a savvy way to plan a writer’s retreat.

Want to join me? Reach out via my contact page. Whenever you’re in Portland I’d love to connect with fellow travel bloggers or travel-loving parents!

How to be a more productive travel blogger: Plan a writer's retreat staycation! Here's how. To & Fro Fam


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